Hooks and actions allow you to add additional functionality to your custom plugins through requests, responses, and UI interactions. Hooks rely on a request or response. Actions rely on a UI interaction.
Plugins can implement hook functions that get called when certain events happen. A plugin can currently export two different types of hooks, RequestHook
and ResponseHook
interface RequestHook {
app: AppContext;
request: Request;
interface ResponseHook {
app: AppContext;
response: Response;
// Hooks are exported as an array of hook functions that get
// called with the appropriate plugin API context.
module.exports.requestHooks = Array<(context: RequestHook) => void>;
module.exports.responseHooks = Array<(context: ResponseHook) => void>;
Actions can be added to the bottom of the request dropdown context menu (right click on a request in the sidebar) by defining a request action plugin.
interface RequestAction {
label: string;
action: (context: Context, models: {
requestGroup: RequestGroup;
request: Request;
}): void | Promise<void>;
icon?: string;
// Request actions are exported as an array of objects
module.exports.requestActions = Array<RequestAction>
This plugin adds a See request data option to the dropdown menu that appears when you right click on a request in the sidebar.
module.exports.requestActions = [
label: 'See request data',
action: async (context, data) => {
const { request } = data;
const html = `<code>${JSON.stringify(request)}</code>`;
context.app.showGenericModalDialog('Results', { html });
This plugin adds a Send request option to the dropdown menu that appears when you right click on a request in the sidebar.
module.exports.requestActions = [
label: "Send request",
action: async (context, data) => {
const { request } = data;
const response = await context.network.sendRequest(request);
const html = `<code>${request.name}: ${response.statusCode}</code>`;
context.app.showGenericModalDialog("Results", { html });
Actions can be added to the bottom of the folder dropdown menu by defining a folder (request group) action plugin.
interface RequestGroupAction {
label: string;
action: (context: Context, models: {
requestGroup: RequestGroup;
requests: Array<Request>;
}): Promise<void>;
// Folder actions are exported as an array of objects
module.exports.requestGroupActions = Array<RequestGroupAction>
This plugin adds a Send Requests option to the dropdown menu that appears when you click on a request folder. Send Requests sends all requests in that folder at once.
module.exports.requestGroupActions = [
label: 'Send Requests',
action: async (context, data) => {
const { requests } = data;
let results = [];
for (const request of requests) {
const response = await context.network.sendRequest(request);
results.push(`<li>${request.name}: ${response.statusCode}</li>`);
const html = `<ul>${results.join('\n')}</ul>`;
context.app.showGenericModalDialog('Results', { html });
Actions can be added to the Collection or Document settings dropdown by defining a workspace action plugin. These apply to both types of workspaces, Request Collections and Design Documents.
Note: “Workspace” is a name in our codebase we use to refer to both Documents and Collections.
interface WorkspaceAction {
label: string;
action: (context: Context, models: {
workspace: Workspace;
requestGroup: Array<RequestGroup>,;
requests: Array<Request>;
}): Promise<void>;
// Workspace actions are exported as an array of objects
module.exports.workspaceActions = Array<WorkspaceAction>;
This plugin adds a custom option to the Document or Collection dropdown menu that exports the current Document or Collection.
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports.workspaceActions = [{
label: 'My Plugin Action',
icon: 'fa-star',
action: async (context, models) => {
const ex = await context.data.export.insomnia({
includePrivate: false,
format: 'json',
workspace: models.workspace,
fs.WriteFileSync('/users/user/Desktop/export.json', ex);
Actions can be added to a Dashboard card context menu for a Document. This action does not work for Collections.
interface DocumentAction {
label: string,
action: (context: Context, spec:
contents: Record<string, any>;
rawContents: string;
format: string;
formatVersion: string;
): void | Promise<void>;
hideAfterClick?: boolean;
// Document actions are exported as an array of objects
module.exports.documentActions = Array<DocumentAction>;
Config generators show in the Document settings dropdown, and can be used to generate configuration from an OpenAPI spec.
interface ConfigGenerator {
label: string;
generate: (info: SpecInfo) => Promise<{ document?: string; error?: string; }>;
// Config generators are exported as an array of objects
module.exports.configGenerators = Array<ConfigGenerator>;